Marriage of Convenience

Pastor Cory Herthel

Midland SDA Church

December 20, 2014


Key Texts: Revelation 19:1-9; Revelation 21:9-10; Revelation 18; Revelation 17:1-6; John 14:12-15

SOP References: Great Controversy 48.2; 1 Selected Messages 170.1; Manuscript 30, 1904


Introduction: Read 1 SM 170.1


I. Calling All God’s People (Rev 19/Rev 18)

  A. Salvation is found in only one place (v. 1-2)

    1. Glory, Honor, & Power belong only to Him

    2. In Him exists only Truth & Righteousness

  B. Harlot (False Church) Contrasted w/Bride of Christ (True Church)  (v. 3-9)

    1. She corrupted the earth

      a. Spiritual Adultery

      b. Compromise

    2. Notice how marriage of True Church w/Christ is consummated

      a. Wedding Supper

      b. She “made” herself ready – by faithfulness to His will

      c. She was chaste – She didn’t give herself over to worldly compromises

  C. He calls His people away from the Harlot (Rev 18)

    1. There is hope until probation closes

    2. Jesus wants to rescue His followers from potential destruction

    3. Babylon (False Religion) will not be reformed

      a. Notice: the call is to “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE”

      b. There is no indication for His people to relate to Babylon through ANY compromise


II. Identifying His People (John 14)

  A. Believing produces response (v. 12-13)

    1. We are called for “greatness”

      a. Ministry of Reconciliation

      b. Ministry of Healing

      c. Ministry of Burden Sharing

      d. Ministry of Accountability

    2. We are called to take on His name (be renewed in character w/His character)

      a. The Father receives the Glory

      b. Our will is brought into cooperation with His

  B. Loving Him by holding high the banner of Faith (v. 14-15)

    1. Jesus is challenging His followers to truly love Him

      a. Trust Him enough to commit to full surrender

      b. Give up anything that stands in the way

      c. Honor Him in all things

    2. Obey with simplicity, innocence, purity, and holiness (v. 15)

      a. Religion these days lacks this kind of following

      b. Self-interest/worldly compromise creeps in to corrode our walk with Jesus

      c. We need a revival of purity and a return to sanctification in Christ


SOP: We need to search the Scriptures daily, that we may know the way of the Lord, and that we be not deceived by religious fallacies. The world is full of false theories and seductive spiritualistic ideas, which tend to destroy clear spiritual perception, and to lead away from truth and holiness. Especially at this time do we need to heed the warning, “Let no man deceive you with vain words” (Ephesians 5:6) 1 SM 170.1


The religion which is current in our day is not of the pure and holy character that marked the Christian faith in the days of Christ and his apostles. It is only because of the spirit of compromise with sin, because the great truths of the Word of God are so indifferently regarded, because there is so little vital godliness in the church, that Christianity is apparently so popular with the world. Let there be a revival of the faith and power of the early church…” (GC 48.2)


We must be careful lest we misinterpret the Scriptures. The plain teachings of the Word of God are not to be so spiritualized that the reality is lost sight of. Do not overstrain the meaning of sentences in the Bible in an effort to bring forth something odd in order to please the fancy. Take the Scriptures as they read. Avoid idle speculation concerning what will be in the kingdom of heaven. Manuscript 30, 1904