
Pastor Cory Herthel

Midland SDA Church

December 22, 2012


Key Texts: Isaiah 9:6; Romans 5:12-18; 2 Corinthians 9:15; Ephesians 2:8; James 1:17; John 21:17; Luke 19:10; John 3:16

References: Messages To Young People; Pg. 407.1


Introduction: Description of re-gifting.  Tell story about wedding gift and card addressed to person that gave it to us.


I. The Gift of a Son


  A. Isaiah 9:6 - Unto us a Son is given

    1. We understand that Jesus came as a babe in a manger, we sing about it, we replicate it..but do we truly identify with the perplexity of it?

    2. John 3:16 - God gave because He loved…In spite of us He loved.


  B. The First Adam…The Second Adam

    1. Romans 5:12-18

      a. Adam came, he was in God's likeness, but he chose sin and passed death on to us.

      b. Christ, the second Adam (man), came he chose faithfulness & obedience, and offered to us the greatest gift of all.  Break it down into 3 parts: Grace, His Life For Us, & Victory over Sin

    2. 2 Corinthians 9:15 - It's so good, it is indescribable.


II. Worldly Gifts vs Heavenly Gifts


  A. James 1:17 - Only the gifts from above

    1. Breakdown the gifts He has given

      a. Built a bridge across the great divide

      b. Ridded the veil that separated us from God

      c. Gave us the ability to become sons and daughters of God

      d. Gives us strength in our weakness

      e. Promises victory over temptation and sin

      f. Author and finisher of our faith

      g. Became sin that we could BECOME righteousness


  B. Re-Gifting What He's Given

    1. Be Christ to those seeking.

    2. Jesus asked Peter to "Feed His Sheep" - This is the great commission

    3. Continue & Finish The Work - He Came to Seek and Save that which was lost (Luke 19:10)




SOP Reference: "The heart belongs to Jesus. He has paid an infinite price for the soul; and He intercedes before the Father as our Mediator, pleading not as a petitioner, but as conqueror who would claim that which is His own. He is able to save to the uttermost, for He ever lives to make intercession for us. A young heart is a precious offering, the most valuable gift that can be presented to God. All that you are, all the ability you possess, comes from God a sacred trust, to be rendered back to Him again in a willing, holy offering. You cannot give to God anything that He has not first given you. Therefore when the heart is given to God, it is giving to Him a gift which he has purchased and is His own."


Conclusion: Have you received a gift lately that you've got stored up ready to "re-gift?"  I believe we all do.  And the best one we all have, is the gift Christ gave to us.  The greatest thing about His gift is we can re-gift it over and over and still keep it for ourselves.  It hasn't cost us anything and it never will and yet it is more valuable than anything else we could ever give to someone.  Won't you do a little re-gifting this year?