Keep On Keeping On

Pastor Cory Herthel

Midland SDA Church

December 8, 2012


Key Texts: Philippians 3:12-16; Matthew 7:21; 2 Corinthians 13:5, 11

References: Counsels for the Church, pg. 42.2, 3


Introduction: Every year, at this time of year, people everywhere are committing themselves to resolving matters that they feel need to change in their lives.  Whether it be overeating or some other form of overindulgence, watching too much TV, not listening to the right music, having too little patience, forgiving wrongs that have been done to them, seeking forgiveness for wrongs done to others, washing the car once a week, taking out the trash before it dumps over in the floor, and, well, the list goes on and on…  You see, what I am trying to say is we all have little quirks about us that at times need to be worked out.  And we all have had habits and behaviors in our past and even in our present that we wish we could just wipe off the slate and forget they ever existed.  And we even at times feel that we’ll never make it until Jesus comes because we are so far from emulating His character.  Well, friends, I am here to tell you today that there is hope in Jesus Christ and in knowing Jesus Christ.  And even though we have not yet reached perfection and received our final prize, God’s word, in Paul’s letter to the Philippians encourages each believer to just keep on keeping on.


I. Background/Context

  A. Unity (Philippians)

    1. Paul is dealing with a disunified(sp?) church. Note: This was the first church he planted in Macedonia

    2. He is attempting to change the attitudes of the people by directing them back to Christ

    3. He encourages them to be 'selfless' (ch. 2 v. 3-4)

    4. He mentions Timothy's example of steadfastness (ch. 2 v. 22)

  B. Paul's Background (Philippians 3)

    1. V. 12: Paul explains he has not already attained or is perfect…BUT "I press on" he says.

      a. Paul understands the need to keep on keeping on

      b. By pressing forward he has hope to 'lay hold' of the prize Christ has laid up for him.

    2. V. 13: He doesn't consider himself to have 'apprehended'

      a. But, he forgets the past (He Keeps On)

      b. He REACHES AHEAD! (Keeping On)


II. The Goal

  A. Growth/Progress (Philippians 3)

    1. V. 14: 'Pressing' toward the goal.

      a. The Call of Christ has a reward at the end

      b. There may be suffering that goes along with it

      c. The suffering is temporary, because the prize is worth it all

    2. V. 15: Be of like mind - (Unity is necessary for growth in Christ)

      a. He says if we are 'mature' - this can also be translated PERFECT

      b. Christ challenges us to be perfect like our Father in Heaven is perfect. (Matt 5:48) - Context is unity

  B. Where we stand now

    1. V. 16: However Far We Have Come

      a. Let's not go backwards

      b. It is important that we continue an upward stride

      c. He ends this thought with a charge for UNITY (same rule/same mind)


III. Conclusion (2 Corinthians)

  A. Examine yourselves (V. 5)

     1. Know where your heart is

     2. Know where your mind is

     3. Know where you stand with your brethren


  B. Become Complete (V. 11)

      1. Continue to grow

      2. Press Forward

      3. 'Complete' in this context is the same as PERFECT

        a. We attain this through CHRIST OUR EXAMPLE

        b. Follow Him and you WILL ATTAIN

        c. He was perfect because He kept His eyes fixed on His Father

      4. There is another charge for UNITY

        a. Become unified in Christ's Love

        b. Become unified in Christ's Truth

        c. Become unified in Christ's Mind

        -- We must reach this unity in Christ to be ready for Him when He returns--

        -- Press Forward, Reach Upward, Look Higher…And Keep On…Keeping On--


SOP: I saw that many measure themselves among themselves, and compare their lives with the lives of others. This should not be. No one but Christ is given us as an example. He is our true Pattern, and each should strive to excel in imitating Him. We are co-workers with Christ, or co-workers with the enemy. We either gather with Christ or scatter abroad. We are decided, wholehearted Christians, or none at all. Says Christ: “I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.”

I saw that some hardly know as yet what self-denial or sacrifice is, or what it is to suffer for the truth’s sake. But none will enter heaven without making a sacrifice. A spirit of self-denial and sacrifice should be cherished. Some have not sacrificed themselves, their own bodies, on the altar of God. They indulge in hasty, fitful temper, gratify their appetites, and attend to their own self-interest, regardless of the cause of God. Those who are willing to make any sacrifice for eternal life, will have it; and it will be worth suffering for, worth crucifying self for, and sacrificing every idol for. The far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory swallows up everything and eclipses every earthly pleasure.