So-so Sowing

Pastor Cory Herthel

Midland SDA Church

January 23, 2016


Key Texts: Isaiah 55:11; Romans 1:16 & 12:9-13; John 21:15-17; John 8:32; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

SOP Reference: Education, pg. 57.3; Evangelism 292.3-5


Introduction: There is a haphazardness in many of the things that people do today.  They are satisfied throwing things together and giving only half effort, yet expecting a full result.  Examples: Car Wash, Wearing Sloppy Clothes in Public…in general people lack a sense of urgency in what they do.


I. Not Lagging

  A. Let your focus be the work of soul-seeking (Romans 12:9-10)

    1. Cling to Christ’s righteousness through His teaching (v 9)

    2. By His grace allow true love and a passion for the lost exist in you (v 10)

  B. Needs are spiritual and temporal (Romans 12:11-13)

    1. We need to have fervent service for the Lord’s work (v 11)

    2. There’s no promise of ease: hang on to hope, patience, and prayer (v 12-13)


II. The Truth is Freeing Power (John 8:32; John 21:15-17)

  A. Show the way to true freedom for people (John 8:32)

  B. Jesus urges His followers to “Feed His Sheep” (John 21:15-17)

    1. Three times and in different ways He gives this instruction to Peter

    2. He compares doing service for others as loving Him

    3. We must remember to lift Him up (John 12:32)

  C. There must be no shame (Romans 1:16)

    1. Be steadfast in the Word

    2. Be grateful for the message Christ has given us

    3. Do not be afraid to sow in the vineyard of the Lord

      a. Seize every opportunity that presents itself to share with others

      b. Time is too short for haphazard, so-so sowing à


SOP: The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. (Education, pg. 57.3)


When we engage with all our hearts in the work, we are closely allied to the angels; we are co-workers with the angels and with Christ; and there is a sympathy with heaven and with us, a holy, elevated sympathy. We are brought a little closer to heaven, a little closer to the angelic hosts, a little closer to Jesus. Then let us engage in this work with all our energies. {Ev 292.3}

Do not become weary in the work. God will help us. Angels will help us; because it is their work, and the very work they are seeking to inspire us with.... {Ev 292.4}

This is a work you must take hold of earnestly; and when you find a wandering sheep, call him to the fold; and leave him not until you see him safely enfolded there. May Heaven let the Spirit that was in our divine Lord rest upon us. This is what we want. He tells us, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” Go out for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Ev 292.5)