End-Time Messages from Jesus

Life After Life – Hope Beyond The Grave

Saturday, April 18, 2015 (6:45pm)


1. How does the Bible describe those who speak contrary to the plain “law and testimony” of the Scriptures?


__________________________________________________________ (Isaiah 8:20)


2. What did Isaiah have to say about those who are dead, in regards to living again? ____________________________________


_______________________________________________________ (Isaiah 26:19)


3. When a person dies, his body (which is dust) returns to the ______________________ as it was, and the spirit (“Ruach”


in Hebrew = breath/spirit) will return to ________________________________________. (Ecclesiastes 12:7)


4. What are the components of a living person/living soul? (Genesis 2:7)


______________________________ + ______________________________ = ________________________________


5. Job described life this way: “As long as my __________________________ is in me, and the _________________________ of God


is in my nostrils.” (The word “Ruach” is used interchangeably)


6. How does James describe the body without the spirit (Greek word = pneuma)? _______________________________________

(James 2:26)


7. What happens the day when one’s “spirit” or “breath” departs? _________________________________________________________

(Psalm 146:3-4)


8. The living all know one day that they will die…what do the dead know? ___________________________ (Ecclesiastes 9:5)


9. When a dead man’s family come to honor him at his funeral “…he does not ____________________________.” (Job 14:21)


10. When a man has lived his life and his days are fulfilled, he will “…_____________________ with your fathers…”

(2 Samuel 7:12)


11. Jesus even described Lazarus’ death by saying: “Our friend Lazarus ______________________, but I go that I may


_____________________________________.” (John 11:11)


12. The disciples misunderstood this important lesson.  They pleaded with Jesus that if Lazarus was merely sick he


would get well.  Then Jesus plainly told them, “Lazarus is ___________________.” (John 11:12-14)


13. When did Martha believe that she would see her brother, Lazarus, alive again? ______________________________________

(John 11:24)


14. Jesus said the day is coming when all who are in the _______________________ will hear His voice and come forth.

(John 5:28-29)


15. Paul gives words of comfort to those who have lost loved ones by saying he doesn’t want us to be “ignorant…


concerning those who have _________________________________...” (1 Thessalonians 4:13)


16. Jesus said whoever believes in Him, though he may ________________, he shall _____________________. (John 11:25)




17. Christ was the first fruits of those resurrected from the dead.  Afterward those are Christ’s at _____________________


________________________ will likewise be raised. (1 Corinthians 15:20, 22, 23)


18. Paul tells us a mystery.  “…We shall not all ______________________, but we shall all be _______________________ in a


moment in the ________________________ of an eye, at the ________________________________.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)


19. “…The trumpet will sound and the dead will be _______________________________________, and we shall be changed.”

(1 Corinthians 15:52)


20. It will be at this time that the “mortal” will put on ________________________________. (1 Corinthians 15:53)


21. How will our bodies be transformed? ____________________________________________________ (Philippians 3:20-21)


22. Who rises to meet the Lord in the air first, when Christ appears? ___________________________________________

(1 Thessalonians 4:15-17)


23. Who is the one who has everlasting/eternal life? _________________________________________________ (1 John 5:12)



My Response:


- I understand that God’s Word describes death as an unconscious state of sleep.  And one day soon, Jesus will come in the clouds and offer everlasting life to those who are “asleep” in Him!



Email Questions To: PastorHerthel@gmail.com