End-Time Messages from Jesus

The Mark of the Beast or The Seal of God

Monday, April 13, 2015 (6:45pm)


1. God must consider this topic of the Mark of the Beast to be of vital importance since He declared: “If anyone has


an ear, _____________________________.” (Revelation 13:9)


2. According to the third angel, where are the two locations that one can receive the “Mark of the Beast?”


______________________________________________________ (Revelation 14:9-10)


3. It is obvious this danger is not a respecter of persons, we are told “He causes ______________, both small and great,


rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads…and that no one may


______________ or ________________ except one who has the mark or the _________________________________________________


________________________________________________.” (Revelation 13:16-17)


4.  What happens to those that refuse to worship the image of the beast? __________________________ (Revelation 13:15)


5. Following God’s truth can be a real test at times, but we are promised strength through Jesus.  Jeremiah puts it


this way: “If you have run with the _____________________, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with


_______________________?” (Jeremiah 12:5)


6. How is the “wrath of God” described in Revelation? _________________________________________________ (Revelation 15:1)


7. Where does John see this beast rising up from? _______________________ (Revelation13:1)


8. What do these prophetic symbols literally mean:


Beast = ____________________________________              Water = _______________________________________


Horns = ___________________________________               Crowns = ______________________________________


Blasphemy = _______________________________________________


9. Which animals are described in this final beast? (Revelation 13:2)




10. Who gave this beast his “seat and great authority?” _________________________________ (Revelation 13:2)


11. Clearly this beast represents the same power as the little horn in Daniel’s vision as the description is the same.


“And there was given unto him a ___________________ speaking ____________________________________________...” (Rev 13:5-6)


12. How does the Bible define “blasphemy?” ______________________________________________ (John 10:33)


13. How many “mediators” are there between God and mankind? ______________________________________ (1 Timothy 2:5)



14. We need no earthly priest.  We have a High Priest, Jesus Christ, to whom we can come directly.  We have this


promise: “If we __________________________________, He is faithful and just to ____________________________________ and to


cleanse us from all ____________________________.” (1 John 1:9)


15. It is possible that we can “feel” like what we are doing is right and yet be dangerously wrong.  Solomon tells us:


“There is a way that ___________________________ to a man, but its end is the way of ____________________.” (Proverbs 16:25)


16. Daniel says that the little horn had authority for “times, time, and half a time” this same prophetic time period is


described by John in Revelation  as being “_______________________” or how many literal years _____________________?

(Revelation 13:5)


17. What years did the papacy rule with both ecclesiastical and political power? __________________________________


18. John sees something very interesting in his vision regarding the beast power: “I saw one of his __________________


as if it had been ____________________________________...” (Revelation 13:3)


19. How does the Bible say we can “calculate” or determine who this beast is? ___________________________________________

(Revelation 13:18)


20. The Pope’s official Roman Title is: Vicarivs Filii Dei or “Vicar of the Son of God”


   Roman numerals and letters are one and the same.  Let’s do the math together:


   V = 5                   F = 0                      D = 500

   I = 1                    I = 1                       E = 0

   C = 100              L = 50                   I = 1

   A = 0                   I = 1                 __________

   R = 0                   I = 1                                      = _______________

   I = 1              __________ +

   V = 5

   S = 0

_________ +



21. What privileges does John see are taken away from those who refuse the Mark of the Beast? “…no one may


______________________________...” (Revelation 13:16-17)


22. How are God’s people or the “saints” described? __________________________________________________________ (Rev 14:12)


23. What is God’s Seal (What are the components of God’s seal)? __________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________ (Exodus 20:8-11; Ezekiel 20:20)


24. Even as terrifying as this could seem, John gives us a message of hope: “And I saw something like a sea of glass


mingled with fire, and those who have the ____________________________________, over his ___________________, and over his


_______________, and over the ___________________ of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.”

(Revelation 15:2)


Email Questions To: PastorHerthel@gmail.com