End-Time Messages from Jesus

God’s Sign of Hope

Friday, April 10, 2015 (6:45pm)


1. For review, John saw in his revelation vision 3 Angels flying across mid-heaven.  He saw: (Revelation 14:6-7)


-The first angel had the everlasting ________________________ to preach to all of earth’s inhabitants


-This angel announces that the hour of _______________________________________ has come


-And he directs us to Worship Him who made ____________________________________________________________________


2. The Bible opens with a declaration of God’s Sovereignty by stating: “In the beginning ________________________________


the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)


3. John describes Jesus as “the Word” and he states “He was in the ___________________________ with God. All things were


_____________________ through Him, and without Him __________________________ was ____________________ that was made.”

(John 1:3, 14)


4. Who does Paul declare created all things? ________________________________________ (Ephesians 3:9; Hebrews 1:1-2)


5. How did God begin the work of creation? He declared: “_________________________________________” (Genesis 1:3)


6. The crowning act of the work of creation was God’s design of mankind.  How did He create male and female?


___________________________________________________________ (Genesis 1:26-27)


7. All of the creation happened when God “________________________________________________________” (Psalm 33:9)


8. As He wrapped up the work of creation, what did He establish as His perpetual sign of Creative Power?


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Genesis 2:2-3)


9. Before the Ten Commandments were even placed on the stone tablets, God’s people were taught about the


Sabbath.  He told them in regards to collecting Manna: “________________ days you shall gather it, but on the


_____________________________, the ________________________, there will be none.” (Exodus 16:26)


10. When they did not listen to this command, God asked them: “…how long do you ____________________________________


__________________________________________________________?” (Exodus 16:28)


11. In the heart of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) stands the lengthiest of all the commandments and is the


only one that begins with the word “Remember.”  What does God ask His people of all ages to remember?


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Exodus 20:8-11)


12. God has asked us not to trample on His Sabbath by turning “your __________________ away from the Sabbath…”

(Isaiah 58:13-14)


13. The Sabbath has been established as a ____________________________ of God’s creation.

14. What will God do for those who call His (seventh-day) Sabbath a delight?  ___________________________________________


____________________________________________________________________ (Isaiah 58:13-14)


15. Jesus made it clear that the Sabbath was not some arbitrary commitment made for one generation or


nationality when He declared: “The Sabbath was made for _____________________ and not ___________________ for the


Sabbath. (Mark 2:27)


16.  Which day has been perpetually declared by God, in both Old and New Testaments, to be “His,” or “The Lord’s Day?”


_________________________________________________________________ (Exodus 20:10)


_________________________________________________________________ (Isaiah 58:13)


_________________________________________________________________ (Matthew 12:8) These are Jesus’ words


17. What role did God say His Sabbaths were to serve for mankind? ______________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________________ (Ezekiel 20:12, 20)


18. Do we have any evidence in the Bible that the Sabbath will be done away with or remain perpetually


throughout eternity? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Isaiah 66:22-23)


19. Jesus said Sabbath rest does not constitute being a couch potato or hiding in a dark closet somewhere…He said:


“Therefore it is lawful to do ________________________ on the Sabbath.”


20. How was the day before Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb described? ____________________________ (Luke 23:54-56)


21. When Jesus described the coming destruction of Jerusalem to His disciples, an even that would occur nearly 40


years after His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, He declared to them: “Pray that your flight may not be in winter


or on the __________________________.”  (Matthew 24:20)


22. When did Paul preach to the Gentile believers in Thessalonica? (This was long after Jesus ascended to Heaven)


______________________________________________ (Acts 17:1-2)


23. How are God’s end-time believers described at the end of the proclamation of the three angels’ messages?


They are “…those who keep the ___________________________________ and the faith of ______________________.” (Rev 14:12)


24. Jesus declared that the way to show our love to Him is to keep ________________________________________. (John 14:15)



Email Questions To: PastorHerthel@gmail.com