End-Time Messages from Jesus

A Formula for a Crime-Free Society

Monday, April 6, 2015


1. When we attempt to judge right and wrong from our own point of view, we often cause ourselves problems


because the Bible tells us, “There is a way that seems right…but the end is the way of _________________________.”

(Proverbs 16:25)


2. When human beings do things “their own way.” The Bible says “they sow the ______________________ and reap the


___________________________.” (Hosea 8:7)


3. When we refuse to “acknowledge God” we are lead to “…break all _______________________________________________.”

(Romans 1:28)


4. Who are the ones “who excel in strength?” _____________________________________________________ (Psalm 103:20)


5. The reason God gave His law to fallen humanity in written form was to reveal His character and show His will


to us.  Paul says the law reveals to us what “sin” is.  For “where there is no law there is not ___________________________.”

(Romans 4:15)


6. Abraham was recognized as faithful by God…He said of Abraham that he “obeyed ___________________________________,


and kept _______________________________, My commandments, My statutes, and _____________________________.” (Gen 26:5)


7. To the Children of Israel that refused to listen to God’s commandment not to gather manna on the Sabbath, He


asked “…how long do you ___________________________________________________________________________?” (Exodus 16:28, 30)


8. Paul tells us that God is not the “…author of ____________________________...so let all things be done ______________________


and in _________________________.” (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40)


9. Who are they that will be justified? _____________________________________________________________ (Romans 2:13)


10. How did Jesus describe those who “love Him?” ________________________________________________________ (John 14:15)


11. Jesus summarized the 10 commandments.  He described the first 4, which deal with our relationship to God this


way: _______________________________________________________________________________.  And He described the last 6, which deal


with our relationship to our fellow man this way: ___________________________________________________________________________

(Matthew 22:37-40)


12. God makes no mistakes.  The Bible says “The law of the Lord is _____________________________.” (Psalm 19:7)


13. How does God describe His own character? ______________________________________________________________ (Malachi 3:6)


14. What is more likely to happen than for one “tittle of the law to fail?” __________________________________________________

(Luke 16:17)


15. Paul said he would not have known what sin was “…except _________________________________________.” (Romans 7:7)


16. We now understand that sin is “transgression of the law” of God.  What is the reward for those who rebel


against God’s character and ignore His law? ________________________________________________________________ (Romans 6:23)


17. Many Christians claim that the “New Covenant” somehow removes the requirement to honor God’s law.


However, how does the Bible describe the New Covenant? _________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________. (Hebrews 8:10)


18. When Jesus was dying on the cross.  His human side prayed “this cup [could] pass from Him.”  But, whose


will did He pray to be done? ____________________________________ (Matthew 26:39)


19. By what medium alone do we obtain “eternal redemption?” ___________________________________________________________

(Hebrews 9:12)


Email Questions To: PastorHerthel@gmail.com