End-Time Messages from Jesus

If God is Good, Why So Much Suffering?

Monday, March 30, 2015 (7pm)


1. God is the author of _______________________.  For He has said, “I have _______________________ you with an everlasting


_____________________; therefore with ______________________________ I have drawn you.” (Jeremiah 31:3)


2. Why is the devil’s wrath so strong now? _________________________________________________________ (Revelation 12:12)


3. The devil is our adversary.  He “walks about like a _____________________________________, seeking whom he may


______________________________.” (1 Peter 5:8)


4. Jesus says he witnessed Satan “_______________________________________________ from heaven.” (Luke 10:18)


5. Where did Lucifer (Satan before he fell into sin) come from? ___________________________________


     What was his position there? _______________________________________________________


     What was his character like? ________________________________________________________                (Ezekiel 12:12-15)


6. What led to his (Satan’s) corruption? ____________________________________________________ (Ezekiel 12:17)


7. Who did he aim to replace (whose position did he covet)? __________________________________________ (Isaiah 14:13-14)


8. The name “Michael” is a Hebrew word that literally means “Who is like God” or “Who is what God is.”  According


to the description of this being and the following texts: Luke 10:18; Isaiah 14:13-14; Revelation 12:7-9, Who only


fits this description? _____________________________


9. We are counseled by Paul to “put on the ____________________________________________,” that we may be able to stand up


to the “______________________ of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11-12)


10. Jesus described the devil like this “he is a ___________________ and the ________________________ of it.” (John 8:44)


11. In all the struggles and trials Satan put on Job, still he (Job) “…did not __________________ nor _________________________


___________________ with wrong.” (Job 1:22)


12. How is Satan so successful in his method of deception? _________________________________________________________________

(2 Corinthians 11:14)


13. Where do many miracles in the world today come from? _______________________________________________________________

(Revelation 16:14)


14. God promises to put a final end to all of this mess that the devil has caused through his rebellion and his leading


humanity into the same rebellion.  God says, “…I turned you to _______________________ upon the earth.”


(Ezekiel 28:16, 18)


Email Questions To: PastorHerthel@gmail.com