End-Time Messages from Jesus

An Ancient Dream Reveals the World’s History

Saturday, March 28, 2015 (7pm)


1. God has promised not to take His people by surprise.  We are told “…He reveals His secrets to His servants


____________________________________. (Amos 3:7)


2. No one is like God because He “declares the ___________________ from the ____________________________. (Isaiah 46:9-10)


3. Nebuchadnezzar trusted in worldly “wisdom.”  When he had his dream, he called on all his: (Daniel 2:2)


                __________________________________________                __________________________________________


                __________________________________________                __________________________________________


4. Daniel was considered a very wise man according to King Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel put his faith in God when he


declared: “…there is a God in heaven who reveals _______________________________, and He has made known…what will


be in the ______________________________________________.” (Daniel 2:27-28)


5. What were the metals in the great image the king saw? (Daniel 2:31-32)


                Head                __________________________________________                Legs__________________________________________


                Chest & Arms __________________________________________                Feet__________________________________________


                Belly & Thighs _________________________________________


6. What struck the image at the feet?  What happened to the image? (Daniel 2:34-35)




7. What did the head of gold represent? _____________________________________ (Daniel 2:38)


8. What did the chest and arms of silver represent? ________________________________________ (Daniel 5:25-28)


9. 150 years before this general was born, God named him…who is he? __________________________ (Isaiah 45:1)


10. What did the belly and thighs of bronze represent? _________________________________ (Daniel 2:39)


11. What did the legs of iron represent? _____________________________ (Daniel 2:40)


12. Why were the feet represented as partly iron and partly clay?  What was the significance of these two elements


being mingled? ______________________________________________________________________________________ (Daniel 2:41-43)


13. Describing this divided kingdom, God said they would try to “mingle with the seed of men” or ‘reunite,’


however “…they will not __________________________ to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Daniel 2:43)


14. Napoleon made a statement that was in accordance with God’s declaration when he said “_________________________


_____________________________________________________” after the battle of Waterloo.

15. Whose kingdom will last forever? ________________________________ (Revelation 11:15)


16. Jesus invites us with these kind words “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the ________________________________


prepared for you from the ______________________________ of the world.” (Matthew 25:34)